How to Setup 125 gallon Fish Tank – Complete Step-By-Step Guide

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By Ismaeel


Setting up a 125 gallon fish tank can be an exciting project for any fish lover. This guide will help you through each step to create a beautiful home for your fish. First, you will need to choose a good spot for your tank and gather all the supplies you need. Next, we will go over how to clean the tank and add the right water and decorations. Finally, we will show you how to introduce your fish to their new home safely. With careful planning and attention, your 125-gallon fish tank will be ready for fish in no time.

Equipment Needed to Setup a 125 gallon Fish Tank

  1. Aquarium: A big 125 gallon fish tank made of glass or acrylic that can hold water and decorations.
  1. Stand A strong stand to hold the tank when it’s full.
  1. Filter: A good filter to keep the water clean and clear in your 125-gallon fish tank.
  1. Heater: A heater to keep the water warm, especially for tropical fish.
  1. Substrate: Gravel or sand that is right for the fish and plants you want to have.
  1. Lighting: Lights to help plants grow and show off your fish; LED lights are a great choice.
  1. Water Conditioner: Products to treat tap water, making it safe for your fish by removing harmful stuff like chlorine.
  1. Test Kits: Kits to check the water for important things like pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
  1. Decorations: Rocks, plants, or fake decorations to make the tank look nice for your fish.
  1. Net: A fish net to safely catch and move fish.

ALSO READ: How to Setup a 50 Gallon Fish Tank – Step-By-Step Process

How Long Does It Take to Cycle a 125 Gallon Fish Tank? 

Cycling a 125-gallon fish tank usually takes about four to six weeks. This time can change based on things like how you cycle the tank, the water conditions at the start, and if there are helpful bacteria. 

The cycling process helps grow good bacteria that change harmful ammonia from fish waste into nitrites, and then into safer nitrates. 

During this time, you need to check the water regularly to make sure ammonia and nitrite levels go up and then drop to zero. 

This means the cycling worked. You need to be patient because if you rush the cycling, it can make the water unhealthy for your fish when you put them in the tank.

125 gallon fish tank

Process to Setup a 125-gallon Fish Tank

Step 1: Choose the Location 

Picking the right spot for your aquarium is very important. It should be on a sturdy surface that can hold the tank’s weight when it’s full of water, so it won’t tip over or hurt your home.

Step 2: Prepare the Tank 

Start by cleaning your tank well with warm water and a soft cloth. Don’t use soap or chemicals because they can harm the fish, and make sure to rinse it well to get rid of any leftover stuff.

Step 3: Add Substrate 

Choosing the right substrate is key for your aquarium’s health. Put a layer of gravel or sand about 1-2 inches thick at the bottom, and rinse it well first to remove any dust that might make the water cloudy.

Step 4: Set Up the Filter and Heater 

Setting up the filter correctly is important for keeping the water clean. Follow the instructions that come with it for the right placement, and ensure the heater is fully underwater and placed to warm the tank evenly.

Step 5: Add Decorations 

Decorations make your aquarium look nice and give fish places to hide and swim. Arrange rocks, plants, and other items in a way that makes a comfy home for your fish.

ALSO READ: How to Control Water Temperature in an Aquarium – Heating or Cooling Problem

Step 6: Fill the Tank with Water 

When filling the tank, do it slowly so you don’t disturb the substrate you’ve just added. Using a plate or bowl to catch the water flow will help keep the substrate in place while you fill it to your desired level, usually leaving a few inches from the top.

Step 7: Treat the Water 

It’s important to treat the water before adding fish to get rid of harmful chemicals. Use a safe water conditioner and follow the product instructions for how much to use, making sure it’s safe for your new fish.

Step 8: Test the Water 

Before adding fish, check the water’s quality. Use test kits to check for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to make sure it’s safe, and make any changes needed to create a healthy home.

Step 9: Cycle the Tank 

Cycling the tank is a key step that builds good bacteria. This process usually takes a few weeks and helps create a balanced environment, so check the water conditions regularly during this time to keep it stable.

Step 10: Introduce Your Fish 

Once the tank is cycled and stable, it’s time to add your fish. Slowly let them get used to the tank water by mixing it with the water in the bag they came in, which helps them adjust before gently putting them in the tank.

Step 11: Monitor and Maintain 

After adding your fish, watch closely for any signs of stress or sickness. Regular care, including checking the water and changing it, as well as cleaning the filter, is crucial to keep a happy and healthy aquarium.

ALSO READ: How Often to Feed Fish in Aquarium – Proper Feeding Guide

125 gallon fish tank

How Many Pounds of Gravel Are Needed for a 125-Gallon Tank? 

For a 125-gallon fish tank, how much gravel you need depends on how deep you want the layer to be. 

A common suggestion is to have a depth of 1-2 inches, which would need about 125-250 pounds of gravel. 

If you want a depth closer to 2-3 inches for more support and looks, you might need about 250-375 pounds. 

It is important to think about the type of gravel you pick, as different kinds can weigh different amounts. So, always check the weight of the gravel before you buy it.

ALSO READ: Aquarium Lighting – How to Choose a Perfect Lighting for Your Aquarium


Setting up a 125-gallon fish tank can be a fun and rewarding project. By following each step carefully, you can create a safe and beautiful home for your fish. Remember to choose the right place for the tank, clean it well, and treat the water before adding any fish. Regular monitoring and maintenance will keep your fish healthy and happy over time. With patience and care, your aquarium will thrive and bring joy to your space.


1. How often should I change the water in my 125-gallon tank?

It’s recommended to change about 10-20% of the water weekly or 20-30% every two weeks. Regular water changes help maintain water quality by reducing toxins and replenishing essential minerals.

2. What types of fish can I keep in a 125-gallon tank?

The variety of fish you can keep depends on their size, temperament, and compatibility with each other. Popular choices include cichlids, tetras, barbs, and other community fish. Always ensure that the fish you select can coexist peacefully.

3. How can I tell if my fish are stressed?

Signs of fish stress can include fast gill movement, hiding excessively, changes in eating habits, and abnormal swimming patterns. Monitoring their behaviour regularly can help you spot issues before they become serious.

4. Do I need to add a water conditioner every time I change the water?

Yes, it’s important to treat the water with a conditioner each time you perform a water change. This removes harmful chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine, making the water safe for your fish.

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