Pink Betta Fish Care Guide, Varieties, Lifespan, & More

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By Ismaeel

Caring for pink betta fish can be a fun and great experience. These stunning fish are recognized for their bright colors and distinct personalities. In this guide, we will explore how to care for pink betta fish, the available different types, and how long they can live. Proper care includes feeding them the right food, keeping their tank clean, and providing the right environment. By learning these things, you can help your betta fish live happily and enjoy having them for a long time. Let’s explore the world of pink betta fish and discover more about these wonderful pets.

Species NameBetta splendens
Care LevelModerate
Temperature75 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit
Color FormPink
Lifespan3 to 5 years (with proper care)
Size5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 inches)
Minimum Tank Size5 gallons (19 litres)

5 Types of Pink Betta Fish

Pink betta fish come in different types, each with special features and looks. Here are some popular types: 

  1. Veiltail Betta: This is one of the most common types of bettas. They have long, flowing tails that come to a point. Their pink color can be soft or bright, making them a favorite among people who love fish for their beauty.
  1. Crowntail Betta: The Crowntail Betta is special because it has spiky fins that look like a crown. The bright pink colors stand out against their dark fins, creating a beautiful look that many people enjoy for their tanks.
  1. Halfmoon Betta: These bettas are known for their big tails that spread out like a half-moon. They are admired for their grace, and their lovely pink colors make them look even better. They are sure to catch the attention of any aquarium.
  1. Plakat Betta: Plakat Bettas look more like wild bettas, with shorter fins and a strong body. Their bright pink color is stunning, and their lively personality brings fun to any tank, making them great pets for betta fans.
  1. Dragon Scale Betta: Dragon Scale Bettas are very eye-catching because of their shiny, scale-like patterns. The pink ones often sparkle, making them stand out in any aquarium. Their unique look adds style to your fish collection.

Caring for Pink Betta Fish

Step 1: Set Up the Tank

Start with a tank that holds at least 5 gallons (19 liters) for one betta fish to provide enough space for swimming and reduce stress. Install a gentle filter to keep the water clean, ensuring that the flow isn’t too strong since bettas prefer calm water. Keep the tank temperature between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit with a good aquarium heater.

Step 2: Prepare the Water

Fill the tank with dechlorinated water that has been treated to remove chlorine, using a water conditioner from pet stores. Monitor the pH levels to keep them between 6.5 and 7.5, which is ideal for bettas.

Step 3: Add Plants and Decor

Bettas enjoy having places to hide and explore, so add live or silk plants and decorations to help them feel safe and less stressed. Ensure that all decorations are smooth to avoid injuring the fish’s fins.

Step 4: Feed Properly

Provide a mix of high-quality pellet or flake food and occasional treats like frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms. Feed them once or twice a day, giving only what they can eat in 2-3 minutes to prevent overfeeding.

Step 5: Clean Regularly

Change 25-50% of the tank water every week to maintain cleanliness. Use a gravel vacuum to clean without disturbing your betta. Rinse decorations and the filter sponge in tank water during water changes to protect beneficial bacteria.

Step 6: Monitor Health

Regularly check your fish for any changes in behavior, eating habits, or physical appearance, as common issues include fin rot, ich, or swim bladder problems. If health issues arise, consult an aquatic vet for assistance.

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How Long Pink Betta Fish Live and Stay Healthy

With proper care, pink betta fish usually live for 3 to 5 years. However, their lifespan can be affected by several things, like water quality, food, and living space. It’s important to keep their environment stable and stress-free; this means keeping the tank clean, making sure the temperature stays the same, and not overcrowding. 

Checking their health often and treating any sickness quickly is very important for their well-being. Feeding them a variety of healthy foods, along with regular water changes and tank cleaning, helps keep them healthy, letting owners enjoy their bright pink bettas for many years.

Breeding and Finding Out if Pink Betta Fish are Male or Female

Breeding pink betta fish can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it takes careful planning and knowledge. First, make sure you have a healthy male and female betta. Set up a separate breeding tank that is at least 10 gallons (38 liters) big, with gentle filters and a heater to keep the water at the right temperature. 

It is a good idea to add floating plants or a spawning mop because bettas like to lay their eggs on these surfaces. When everything is ready, put the female in with the male and watch for their courtship behavior, like flaring and chasing each other. After they mate, the male will build a bubble nest. It’s very important to take the females out once they are done spawning to avoid fights.

How to Identify the Gender of Pink Betta Fish

  1. Body Shape: Male Betta fish usually have long, thin bodies that look elegant. Female Betta fish are rounder and fuller, especially when they are ready to breed, showing a stronger shape. 
  1. Fins: Male Betta fish are known for their long and fancy fins that are very pretty, often with bright colors. Female Betta fish, on the other hand, have shorter and simpler fins that are less showy, focusing more on being practical. 
  1. Color: Both male and female Betta fish can show pink colors, but males are brighter and have more detailed patterns that grab attention. Females usually have softer, lighter colors, which can also be pretty but are less bold. 
  1. Nests: When it is time to breed, male Betta fish are careful nest builders and make bubble nests on the water’s surface to show they want to mate. This behavior shows they are ready to reproduce and shows their natural job in the breeding process.

Sum up

Taking care of pink betta fish can be a fun and rewarding experience. These pretty fish come in different types and have special traits that make them great pets. With good care, they can live for several years and bring joy to their owners. It’s important to set up a nice tank and give them healthy food to keep them happy. Cleaning their tank often and checking their health will help keep them safe.


1. How often should I feed my pink betta fish?

It is recommended to feed your pink betta fish once or twice a day, providing only what they can eat in about 2-3 minutes. This helps avoid excessive feeding and keeps the tank clean.

2. What is the ideal tank size for a pink betta fish?

A minimum tank size of 5 gallons (19 liters) is ideal for a single pink betta fish. This allows them enough space to swim comfortably and reduces stress.

3. Can I keep multiple pink betta fish together?

It is generally not advisable to keep male betta fish together, as they can be very territorial and aggressive. Female bettas can be kept in small groups, known as a sorority, but care must be taken to monitor their behavior.

4. What should I do if my pink betta fish appears sick?

If you notice changes in your fish’s behavior, eating habits, or physical appearance, consult an aquatic veterinarian. It’s important to address any health issues quickly to ensure the well-being of your betta fish.

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